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Medicinal Herbs - The Benefits of Camomile


Camomile is the common name for some daisy-like plants and used to serve various medicinal purposes.  Researchers identified more than a dozen active ingredients in the camomile flower – they decrease stress, relieve stomach pain… and the list of its beneficial effects is still far from complete.


The yellow coloured flowers where the bracts are located under the basis can be used for medical purposes. The two most commonly used species are Roman or garden chamomile and German or wild chamomile. They look really similar but it’s the latter which has more healing properties.




What is it good for?


  • Due to the apigenin content a tea brewed from the flowers of the plant can help relaxation and falling asleep easily. A similar effect is triggered if a few drops of camomile oil are added to your bath water. 


  • A cup of camomile tea a day decreases postprandial abdominal discomfort and pain and also relieves gastrointestinal complaints thanks to bisabolol, one of its most important components. Bizabolol has smooth muscle relaxing effect, so that camomile tea soothes menstrual cramps and treats mild inflammation when used in sitz bath or as bath lotion or compress.




  • Camomile cream has a positive impact on your skin as it helps with rashes and quickens wound (including burns) healing process. 


  • A strong camomile brew can stop bacterial eye and skin infections. You can also use it as a mouthwash to relieve mild gum diseases.


  • Camomile tea is also suitable for children and babies. The brew can ease the pain of teething and helps with an upset stomach.


  • It can be beneficial to your hair and soothes your scalp.  To add some extra shine, rinse your hair off with camomile tea after you've shampooed and showered.


  • A camomile sitz bath provides relief and reduces the symptoms caused by the haemorrhoids.


How to prepare homemade camomile ointment?


Heat half a pound of leaf lard and add a handful of fresh chamomile flowers.

Stir the mixture for some minutes and wait until it starts simmering.  In a cool place you have to keep it covered for a night. Heat it up again the next day, and use tightly woven fabric to filter through. Give the mixture a stir and then put it into clean jars.



Camomile pillow


Fill a small canvas bag or pillowcase with some dried camomile flowers. Sew the bag together or use a different technique to close the sides.  Heat an empty saucepan and put the bag inside to make it warm. Apply the bag on the painful area while it’s still nice and warm.



Written by Zsuzsanna Páli.

Translated by Viktoria U.

The publication of the article may happen to the indication of the source only.







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